Friday, March 16, 2012

New Agency

After too many sleepless nights, I've convinced Victor to switch agencies. So today, we mailed our application to Adopolis. They are a small agency, but they work almost exclusively with Colombian adoptions and seem knowledgeable. I've heard nothing but good things about them on my adoption message boards. I feel at peace now, so I'm sure we've made the right decision.

Tuesday, March 13, 2012


Since Jane's visit, I have been filled with anxiety. With the home study almost complete I am ready to move onto the dossier, but Little Miracles still hasn't received their accreditation. I haven't slept in two days; I toss and turn all night long worrying-

  • How long should we wait for Little Miracles to get their accreditation?
  • A month? Two months?
  • What if 6 months go by and we're still in limbo?
  • What if they are denied accreditation?

I've been obsessed, thinking of little else. The uncertainty has been unbearable and I've started to explore alternatives.

Sunday, March 11, 2012

Home Study Visit

We had our home study visit with Jane today and she was absolutely wonderful! It felt more like a visit from an old friend than a visit from a social worker. After a quick tour of the house, we spent maybe an hour discussing adoption "business", followed by 3 hours of chit chat! I guess since this is our third adoption she didn't feel the need to ask the more traditional questions such as "Why do you want to adopt?", "What are your expectations?" and "What preparations have you made to parent an adopted child?" I also think she was burnt out by the other 4 home study visits she had this weekend!

Before she left, she said that she is just waiting on our medical letters (we have our doctor appointments next week), but the report is already written and should be ready to finalize shortly!